The "Walls of Praise" Collection was birthed at a time when my husband and I weren't sure if we could make our marriage work. We were getting the help we needed but had hit a low spot. I was in a Christian woman's support group which was absolutely phenomenal and part of the meeting we would share with each other what our "prophetic promises" were from the week. Basically, scriptures that had stood out to us and that we were claiming for ourselves. One particular week I stumbled across Isaiah 60:18 which says, "Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, Neither wasting nor destruction within your borders; But you shall call your walls Salvation, And your gates Praise." I read that and immediately knew it was for my situation. That God's plan was for our home and marriage to be restored. I pled with God that the very walls and doors of our home would no longer be categorized by disconnection, sin, and the breakdown of God's plan for us; but that they would be full of gracious salvation, and exuberant praise. That week in my small group, I shared the verse with the other ladies. One of them peeped up: "I can see your next art collection now! A bunch of flowers on the wall praising God!" I agreed that that was a wonderful symbol of the atmosphere I was praying for! I followed her train of thought and out came the "Walls of Praise" collection. Painting these pieces has been a thoughtful journey of prayer, and thankfulness: for every victory, milestone, and gift of God's incredible graciousness to our family. We are still on the nonlinear path, but I can honestly say, God is so good, He is our healer, our Savior, and has given us so much to be grateful for. Each painting is named after an attribute of God as well as an attribute that we can cultivate as by beholding we become changed. So as you look at these paintings, let your heart praise Him, claim the peace, and love He will grant to your home, and lean into His incredible plan of salvation and praise.