I never thought I had an issue with forgiveness. I remember sitting through countless sermons about it and tuning out because “I don’t struggle with that.” But the reality is I wasn’t identifying with my pain which I had stuffed instead of actually forgiving. I thought forgiveness meant pardoning, and after I forgave I was no longer allowed to feel hurt. Finally, the unresolved hurt, bitterness, and resentment bubbled to the surface and I realized I had been doing something wrong. I almost became resentful toward forgiveness itself. Because it didn't "work." My relationships were crumbling despite my impeccable forgiving skills and I was still mentally trying to right the wrongs of past hurts. I was trying to write on the "blank slate" forgiveness was supposed to give me but the paint was peeling, and badly. So I decided to stop forgiving. I stopped forgiving for an entire year. During that year I spent a lot of time with Jesus, my therapist, and a woman's support group that really opened up my eyes to what forgiveness really was. Through the paintings, poems, and product descriptions, this collection shares what I learned and is my attempt at capturing the feeling of true forgiveness. The big skies and wind-swept grasses illustrate the openness, the letting go, the childlike faith, and the freedom of true forgiveness. 

I have poured my heart and soul into this collection and I thank you for spending a few moments with me and these paintings.

Let’s dive in…